In His Palm, A thought on dark matter, dark energy, and laminin

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. – (Colossians 1:17 NIV)

Consider the vast measure of our universe. Many scientists believe that the universe is as many as 156 billion light years wide or even larger. It is said that the edge observable universe is 45.6 billion light years in any direction. Yet in all, that scientists can see based on all they know their observations lead them to believe that as much as 90% of the mass required to hold the universe from flying apart is missing. Based on the velocities of the galaxies and the physics involved they believe there must be some sort of matter that they cannot see that is responsible for generating the gravity required to keep the galaxies intact. They say that thought they cannot see it they know it is there because they see the evidence that it is there. They see the effects it has on things they can see. Is this not a statement of faith? “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV). As I became aware of this debate over dark matter and all that it entails, it brought to remembrance Colossians 1:17, which says, “in Him all things consist” (NKJV). The NIV puts it this way. “In Him all things hold together”. Romans 11:36 says also “For of Him and through Him and to Him [are] all things” (NKJV). It goes on to state that the glory belongs to Him. All things point to Christ if you “believe” the evidence for what it is.

Without getting too much into the science of it all, I would like to explore some of the thoughts I have along these lines. The first thought I have already mentioned and that is the faith aspect. Anyone who denies that they have faith is a fool. We all have faith. The question is what are we putting that faith in? The scientist who believes in the Big Bang Theory and in Evolution must have faith in order to believe it. This simply because it has not, and cannot be proven. They are simply relying on the evidence that they have seen and bring it to their own conclusion. I would even go so far as to say that they need more faith to believe in these things than the faith I need to believe God. This matter of dark matter demonstrates this concept of faith perfectly. The scientist who does not believe in God see’s the evidence of some sort of missing matter and draws their conclusion according to their faith. As a believer, I see the evidence and relate it to the power of God. It reminds me once again of His control.

Also, understand that I do not necessarily believe that this dark matter does not, or cannot exist. I simply see it on a much grander scale. As we look across all of creation, we see such complexity that we could never truly grasp it all. Every detail of creation is so important that without one the whole thing would collapse. The deeper man probes into things the more questions he raises. The more complexities he finds. I believe that this missing matter could simply be the power of God holding all things together just as His word states. Or, is it just a picture of the validity of the word of God. God has created many pictures within creation that point to Him. Even if science does verify some physical matter that is this missing matter, I will still believe. The picture here is of the faith that thought we cannot see with our eyes what is holding creation together we know that something is there and it is holding this all together. The believer knows that it is God and it is by His power and word. I recently came across another picture that demonstrates this relationship between Christ, His word and our physical makeup. It is Laminin. The following video shows us this.

What an awesome picture of Christ being so intimately involved in His creation. Yet so many people deny it. Daniel at the scene of the writing on the wall in Daniel chapter 5, tells Belshazzar of the work of God in Belshazzar’s father Nebuchadnezzar. He tells of how Belshazzar saw and knew all this yet raised himself against God. “Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had the goblets from his temple brought to you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways” (Daniel 5:23 NIV). It is so sad that even though there are so many pictures of God’s hand in creation all around us people still refuse to recognize it as such. Even though it is God who gives them breath and life, still they do not recognize Him. Simply because they do not believe the evidence. Instead, they conform it to their own godless notions.

There is one more picture that I would like to share with you. It is closely related to dark matter. Another dilemma science is facing is the ever increasing rate if expansion in the universe. Popular science believes that dark matter is holding the galaxies from flying apart into total chaos. It also cannot identify the energy that seems to be pulling the universe apart. The given is that the universe is expanding and has been since the beginning of time. However, what science does not understand is why it seems to be expanding exponentially faster and faster as time goes on. This force pulling the universe apart they have dubbed dark energy. I immediately related this to sin in our world. The Bible is clear that sin is destroying the creation. It tells us of the wickedness that will be so prevalent in the last days. One need only look around to see this happening around us even now. Sin and godlessness seems to be picking up momentum each and every passing day. Evil is taking over. But remember just as the iniquity of the Amorites had to come to completion (Genesis 15:16, Numbers 21:26) before Israel could receive the promised land so must this age of the Gentiles be fulfilled before Christ returns and calls us home. Know that the more it seems that sin prevails the nearer Christ return is! Are we going to recognize the signs and prepare for His return or will we continue to deny the very one in whom our very existence consists?


Universe Measured: We’re 156 Billion Light-years Wide!

By Robert Roy Britt


Observable universe

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dark matter

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dark energy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia