In The Shadow Of His Wings

Here In The Shadow – Shannon Wexelberg

Consider the song “Here in the Shadow” by Shannon Wexelberg. Here in the shadow of the wings of the Almighty God.  Here there is shelter. Here there is rest. Here there is peace. Where else can we run to hide?  Four times David in the Psalms referred to his refuge being in the shadow of His wings. I thought of the Disney movie, Bambi. As young Bambi explores his new forest home, he experienced his first rainstorm. In that scene, you will see a mother bird open her wings for her chicks as she runs for shelter. All her chicks are able to find shelter from the storm under her wings. However, there was one requirement. They had to go where she went.  They had to go with her to where she was taking them.

How many times we find ourselves in the storm by ourselves. Seemingly alone, and unprotected. Crying out to God asking why He has abandoned us. And He replies asking why we abandoned Him. His wings are open wide. Yet, we have wandered away from where he was taking us. So many times, I have found myself wandering lost. Floundering in my walk with the Lord. All because I had gotten off track. I had lost my way as I sought out my own way often ignoring the instruction that had been given to me from the Lord. We need to find our shelter under His wings. Let God take us His way to His places. Truly under His wings is peace and rest!

One Response

  1. I love this song. My soul finds peace under the shadow of His wings. Even though I am in this visible world, I am in His presence. I watch for His move and His call of love for me. I am moving with the Lamb, is another song that captivates me.”Moving With The Lamb…Vineyard Music”

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